Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Westward Bound: To the East!

Tomorrow I am leaving the continent again. I will fly westward in an airplane built by a questionable company (its an A330, if that helps) and fly off into tomorrow. Then after arriving in tomorrow we'll continue to fly until we land in Beijing. So I am very excited about the trip, but not excited about the jet lag that will pursue me over there. It is like a shadow, but unlike Peter Pan, I cannot (I think) lose it. So I am at my Dad's house right now, and after a few hours of hard labor he has agreed to take me to the airport tomorrow. Which is nice, because taking the bus and the train all get me there either 12 hours early or 10 minutes late. A difficult choice. So at my Dad's place there are some Wood Ducks that are nesting in a little box in a tree. I tried to sneak up to get a picture of them, but the wouldn't have it, so they flew off after I got this far away shot. Then I started up the lawnmower and maybe they won't ever come back, it was so noisy.
I have my Visa, and my Passport, and my ticket. I'm not bringing much in the way of clothes, because I think it will be warm over there, and if needed I can buy things, I think I can get them when I need them. Then I don't have to bring a lot of things too. I am just going with my backpack and my camera. If there are places in China that I should go and take a picture of, please let me know. Like normal, I am going without a plan.
I hope I can get internet in China to blog some more, but I have heard that this blog is blocked by the chinese government, so I may not be able to post anything. There are ways around this sort of thing, and I will try, but if this is the last post in a while, I am sorry.

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