I went to Panama for a week and a little bit!
Now I'm back in Costa Rica, trying to get on a bus to go north to the Nikoya Penninsula for a while and then I'll head on over to the Atlantic side. Panama isn't that different from Costa Rica, but things are a bit different. They use the dollar, and so you see Washington, Lincoln, and the others all over the place, which is kind of familiar and nice, and the roads are much nicer than in Costa Rica, but they don't take as much pride in the beauty of the countryside as the Ticos (Costa Ricans) do. I went up to Boquete, up in the mountians, and I ended up seeing the president of Panama there, starting off this festival of flowers. He's the second national president I've ever seen, the other being the president of China who came to Boeing in Everett a while ago.
I went down to Punta Burrica, a point that is down where Panama and Costa Rica connect on the Pacific side, and there is this little island out there that I walked across the shallow water when the tide was way down to get to. Its way out in the middle of nowhere, and its beautiful, and I camped, fished and dove. But the unthinkable happened, and of course in the most remote places, where nobody goes, I am stupid and leave my stuff on the beach and it gets stolen. So I lost my hat (pictured above), my sandals, and my ipod and knife. the hat is the real blow. I liked that hat.
I got disenpowered a bit, so I headed back to locked doors, to Limones, which is about halfway down the penninsula, (a long ways by foot) and I was looking for Ron, the guy in the boat, who worked at this fishing resort place, and I had met up with him on the way out, so I wanted to hang out again. Anyways, I'm walking along the road and this Panamanian young man comes up and asks me if I'm looking for Ron, and that he's gone, so I should come stay the night with his family. So they treat me to dinner and a place to stay and breakfast and luxury. His name is Kevin. I'll be going back to find him sometime I think.
The area is so nice, but it is better out on the water, I think, so I am really leaning towards figuring out how to bring my boat down here for next winter, and taking people sailing, going surfing off the boat.
I love seeing your pictures. I haven't been to the tropics for a long time now. Our move to Sydney is in that direction.
I'm sorry your stuff got stolen. That totally sucks.
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