Thursday, October 3, 2019

Yellowstone to LA

 I just got to LA after a few weeks of exploration around the west.  Lindsey and I drove through Yellowstone, looking for creatures, and we found some!  We went to the Lamar Valley looking for wolves, and found them, but the pictures are of little dots, so I didn't include them.  We did find a Coyote right along the road, so it was cute and romping around looking for mice or small rodents...
 I like the look of Coyotes, they are sleek and cute.  We didn't see any road runners, so we didn't have any other opinions on the matter.
 There was a little chipmunk that we found while walking around, and it was in a nice pose...
 And a Mountain bluebird
 We explored some geysers, and watched Old Faithful go off, but this is a small steam vent.  It was difficult to get pictures because it was snowing a lot of the time.  Winter comes early in this part of the world.  Despite that summer seems to be over, the park was still crowded.
 At the Grand Prismatic spring, there was giant clouds of steam that made pictures quite difficult, but I got this one I liked of the steps of hot life on the spring's edge.
 As we were about to leave the park we found some bison, and popped into the back of the truck to use it as a blind.  There was two that were trying to decide what to do; to cross the road or not, and they stood in the middle for a while grunting at each other, it was very interesting.
 And a few baby bison tucked into the herd.  Watching the babies, they cannot move very fast and have little self defense, but then when you look at the big mamas and poppas, then it makes sense how they survive. 
 From Yellowstone we went to the Grand Tetons, and the sky cleared up a little bit to offer a view of the peaks!
 And there were some moose along the side of the road and we stopped to look.
 The Maples in the hills were starting to change color.
 We drove through Utah and stopped in Antelope Island, in Great Salt Lake, and found some neat things there too.
 A pronghorn, and a Merlin!
 And a rock Wren.
 And then a whole bunch of Phalaropes.  I always wondered where they go for the wintertime.  I see them in SE alaska in the spring and fall.