Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To Kingcome or bust!

I just packed the entire forward compartment full, and I mean FULL of food and gear that my loving brother was gracious to need me to take to Kingcome for this feast of his.
But lets go back a few days... I dropped off Ric and picked up my Dad on Saturday, the 7th, and then Dad and I went out across the Queen Charlotte Straight and into Broughton Island, into Booker Lagoon, where my brother told me I should go, and we had a jolly good time of catching gigantic fish one after another. The weather turned into foggy rain, but we ate very well, having these rockfish and greenling (types of cod) for supper, breakfast and snacks. We stayed there for a day and then came back the next, leaving on the 9th to get back to Port McNeill to pick up Abe. Which is where I am now.
And the future holds great promise. We're going to Kingcome Inlet, then on to the town or village of Kingcome, and we'll have a feast while there. I'm taking Abe, my Dad, and about 500 lbs of food, and tomorrow we'll pick up some tremendously valuable native masks for the feast, and fit them in somewhere. We'll arrive in Kingcome on the 11th, and proceed to work our hands to the bones helping dearest Abe with his prep work and then have the feast and then make all possible haste to the great southland where the sun might shine, so I can play in a tournament in Burlington. Ultimate frisbee, you know, it's the kind of thing you just can't live without.
And just like that, there goes September.
I'll probably write more after the tourney, on the 21st or so.

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