Sunday, June 2, 2019

End of first rotation

 My last week at work before my break!  It was a nice week.  I saw some Greater Yellowlegs
 And also some Greater White-Fronted Geese, a rare find...
 And of course some Harlequin ducks. 
 Here's a shot of a nice Common Loon, with a bright red eye.
 I had a skiff tour where we saw some whales nice and close
 They waved us onwards, and then we had some Dall's Porpoise bowride the skiff
 And a close encounter with a Harbor Seal
 In Glacier Bay there were some Goats, of course
 And then the last day, out at the Inian Islands, we saw some Orcas
 And some beaten up Sea Lions
 As well as some sea otters, wrapped up in Kelp
 Here's the sea lion again, with fish juice drool
 And a couple photos of some cute sea otters holding on tight to each other.

 It was a really nice week, and I'm glad to have a break now, for two weeks. 

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