Sunday, August 19, 2018

A difficult week

 This was a tough week, but really it started two weeks ago.  We broke our dishwasher, and since we have 36 spare dishwashers walking around the boat at all times, we have been put to the test ever since.  Its not easy finishing up a walk and then going to the dish pit and scrubbing for an hour or two, or doing a presentation, every night.  Its not the end of the world, though, so we got on with it.  Then this week the windlass broke while we were lifting the anchor and we couldn't lift it up anymore, so we had to drop that anchor and not anchor again, which means that we can't stay in one spot long enough to use our EZ dock system, so we had to bring all the kayaks to shore and then load folks from there and also mind that the tide and the bears don't make it difficult.  Its not easy for the rest of the boat either, since the bridge team all have to be on all the time, keeping watch in the bridge, keeping watch on the fantail as they send people to shore, and still managing to get the plans for the future out and the paperwork done. 
But then we also had a few people from hotel get sick so Expedition was called into doing "turn down" service, which isn't easy, but it is making the rooms nicer and cozy for sleeping in when guests get out of dinner service.  So not easy, and not typical expedition stuff. 
We did see some nice things this week, including some Murrelets, and some Orcas:
 And during the orcas we also had a cool sunset.  Here is a shot of the sun shining down on the water and the reflection from the water is shining up the hill, but the sun isn't shining straight on to the hill, so it is up lit.  I like it. 
 More pictures of Orca
 We found an octopus on the beach and it was neat looking
 Not a ton of whales, but a tail wagger
 Looking like he wants to dive
 And down he goes.
 We went into Glacier Bay and Lamplugh is still looking handsome
 And we found some nice bears on the beach at Russell Cut

 Then at South Marble Island we found a sea otter hauled out and some sea lions kicked him off his rock.
 I managed a nice puffin shot as one was flying by
 and then we got some Aurora over the bow as we headed up to Haines