Friday, August 2, 2024

Prince William sound on the SFX

It was a great week!  Here's some of the crew on the back deck getting ready.
And some glaucus winged gulls that are growing up fast!
Jonny joined up with my group for the walk and found some good salmonberries
We made it to the east side of the columbia glacier, a first for me, and it was really big and cool.  the glacier face is 6 miles wide.  Its huge.  It also was really calving a lot.  
A seal at Meares Glacier.
A jellyfish at Deriksen Bay
And hiking the river at deriksen bay was fantastic.  Lots of salmon and great waterfalls.
At the hatchery we found good sea lions
And a nice bear
and a bad sea lion
and a shy bear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eumetopias jubatus looks guilty!