Friday, July 26, 2024

Prince William Sound!

I'm in Prince William Sound now, on the Safari Explorer.  Its a very different place than Southeast Alaska, and the biggest difference is there are a lot of Glaciers.  Everywhere.  This is the Columbia Glacier.
Here's the SFX (the ship) in the Ice in the Columbia Glacier
There are a few whales, but not as many (thus far) as SE alaska.
And this one got run over by a boat.  
There's a lot of rain up here, more than further south, and so lots of waterfalls, but also more on my head when I go outside.
Another Humpback Whale.
And we found a Salmon Shark!  
Another view of the salmon shark

Lots of Orcas up here.
And beautiful glaciers.
Here's Ben driving in front of a big waterfall
I got a close up of a Steller's Jay, a view of the tail
And the bill
And this is Bunchberry, but pink
Here's a baby Oystercatcher
With Mom
More whales
There was some of them that were bubblenetting.  As far as I had heard, the humpbacks don't bubblenet up here.  Except we saw it happen!
Another view of the humpback lunge feeding.
Another view of Columbia.  Its HUGE.
And there are more Horned Puffins here than down south, so we see them fairly often, and this was kayaking.  It was a nice surprise.
Seals on ice
A wandering Tattler
And sea lions eating salmon!


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