Thursday, August 8, 2024

Long tailed ducks!

I've been seeing a few ducks that I couldn't identify, but finally I got a few shots of them and I'm pretty sure they are long-tailed ducks.  In southeast alaska, they come north and pass through in May, but then are gone, but it seems that maybe they are spending the summer up here in Prince William sound or further north.  
I also got a nice Oystercatcher
The Safari Explorer is really fun to work on, and here she is in Tiger Glacier
The gulls are growing up!
And this cormorant has really pretty eyes.
Chenega glacier calved a lot this week
I did a kayak in front of it and it was non-stop, just little pieces all over the place and then bigger calvings every few minutes.
That night there was Northern Lights
It was really cool, but I didn't get the proper focus.
It wasn't really that dark, but hopefully we will get some more clear nights in the next few weeks and get more.
Lots of otters again
As it began to cloud over, there was the last glimmer of sunshine
After Monday, it got rainy, and has been raining all week.  At columbia glacier it was rainy and cold, and the ice was super blue
Then it rained at Meares, and I found a bear in the evening, eating grass
At the hatchery, the bears were really popping.  They were active and got close to us.
A few were curious of us
And some were waiting for us to pass and then they would go get fish
This one was looking for salmon when we were at the dock
And it got one, and we saw the whole thing from about 20 feet away.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. All of it. Your blog is now my favorite thing to look at on the internet, aside from maybe the weather, and medicinal plant monographs. Great work.
I have so many questions about your fascination with eyeballs. And, I’m really regretting not asking you about blue whales as they have been on my bucket list since I learned of their existence.